Sunday, June 20, 2021


     For the last time, hola!

    It has been a long term again for me and probably for everyone. Now that it has to end and I wanted to share my feelings about the course.

    Firstly, I think this course was not a boring and hard one to take. In fact, it was mostly fun because i learned lots of cool services and had fun doing tasks with these. It was also a pleasure to work with my friends Arda and Dilara. It was a good experience for us to work together, cooperate and create stuff.

    Finally I will make a fun rank among the missions:

The one(s) I had most fun with: Flipped Classroom Videos (Mission 2-3)

The one(s) I didn't have fun doing: Augmented Reality (Mission 4)

The one I would definitely use again: Flipped Classroom Videos


    Thank you for following me and reading the posts, adiós for now!

Mission 5: Creating a Webquest

    In this post I will talk about our webquest project that we did with my friends.

    Firstly, I have to tell you that it was not a fun thing to do because of the oldschool webquest sites and their slow loading. Most of the webquest sites are loaded with these kind of problems. So, it was hard to find a decent one.

    Nevermind, let me tell you about the webquests. They are actually not seem to be very useful today but the main purpose is to give information to the students about a task they do outside of the class. You can prepare your instructions step-by-step for the students and guide them. So, we did one for a poster preparing task for our students about environmental pollution. In my opinion it is a good idea to make the projects technology-enhanced using Webquest services as long as they are more useful than this. You can find its link below and my friends' blog links as always.

    Thank you for reading, adiós!

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Mission 4: Augmented Reality


    In this chapter of the blog, I will be talking about something very useful and fun. We used Augmented Reality to prepare a handout for the language learners. We were unable to use a real AR application because of some technical issues so we used QR codes instead. Let me tell you about more!

    So, about the handout, firstly we chose a city, some landmarks and a museum in it and a festival of that city. Then we found some informative 3D videos taken in those areas. Finally wrote down 5 questions for each related to what they have learned and what they think about what they have seen. You can see the full handout in the link below.

    We also think that these kind of AR applications should be easier to use and be more functional, so that we can benefit a lot from them.

    That's all for now, goodbye!

Here is our handout.

Our Informational Video.

Arda's Blog

Dilara's Blog

Friday, May 28, 2021

Mission 3: Flipped Classroom Approach - Grammar Videos


    In this mission I will talk about the continuation of our previous mission, our grammar videos through flipped classroom approach. Let me tell you more about!

    My friends and I created a grammar video. As we did last time, we used Nearpod for this. We knew how to use the service from the previous mission and that was quiet easy for us to do this time. We faced some technical problems while doing it but eventually overcame them. We all did a comparative and superlative card, me and Dilara did the grammar summary at the end and Arda created the games in the final using the service.

    It was a pretty good and fun job this time. We love to do work with those online services to create materials. Thank you for your attention!

The Video

Arda's Blog

Dilara's Blog

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Mission 2: Flipped Classroom Approach- Vocabulary Videos


    In this mission, we designed an activity through flipped classroom approach. Let me talk about it first and then you can check it out from the link below the post.

    Flipped classroom is a “pedagogical approach in which direct instruction moves from the group learning space to the individual learning space, and the resulting group space is transformed into a dynamic, interactive learning environment where the educator guides students as they apply concepts and engage creatively in the subject matter” (The Flipped Learning Network, 2014).

    So, we designed a video and activity with the use of this approach and a service called "Nearpod". We aimed to encourage self-learning that is a lot more permanent than the traditional methods. It was quite fun to work with my friends. You can see the their blog links below, as always!

    Thank you for you attention, goodbye!

Video and Activity

Arda's Blog

Dilara's Blog

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Mission 1: Language Awareness Task



                In this post, I will be talking about our material design. Let me talk about it first and then you can check it out from the link below the post.

                As I said, me and my friends (don’t forget to check their blogs below!) designed a language awareness task based on corpus use. Firstly, we have the examples of the general usages of “for” and “since”. Then, we wanted to categorize them and draw a frame for the students. We also added widely used time expressions to give them an idea. Then, of course, the practice time! We wanted to make the material as cute as possible to draw the attention and give good impressions. Finally, we direct students to use the website “skell”. In this way, they can understand the difference a lot better.

                Thank you for your time, ¡adios!


Arda’s Blog



Back in the Game

Welcome again everyone! I came back for the “Material Design in ELT” course. I will be posting about my learning process and achievements throughout the rest of the blog. I decided to keep on blogging on this one because I had worked on it for a good amount of time and didn’t want to separate these two blogging experiences. Anyway, let me give you all a heads up about the course.

It is so important to create good materials in language teaching, especially if we are talking about the young learners. So, in this course we will be learning about the effective material designing.

In our area of study, it is so critical to create an effective material because it directly effects the way the students see the activity and, in general, the class. So, if we want to give them a good impression and not to discourage or scare them, we must prepare materials that are interesting and useful.

That’s all for now, let’s start working on it and I will keep you updated. Thank you, bye bye!