Sunday, April 11, 2021

Mission 1: Language Awareness Task



                In this post, I will be talking about our material design. Let me talk about it first and then you can check it out from the link below the post.

                As I said, me and my friends (don’t forget to check their blogs below!) designed a language awareness task based on corpus use. Firstly, we have the examples of the general usages of “for” and “since”. Then, we wanted to categorize them and draw a frame for the students. We also added widely used time expressions to give them an idea. Then, of course, the practice time! We wanted to make the material as cute as possible to draw the attention and give good impressions. Finally, we direct students to use the website “skell”. In this way, they can understand the difference a lot better.

                Thank you for your time, ¡adios!


Arda’s Blog



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